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애완견 남아공 동물검역

aqis 2017.11.03 02:30 조회 수 : 14515

애완견을 남아프리카 공화국으로 데리고 가기 위한 동물검역 준비사항은 다음과 같습니다.

마이크로칩(ISO11784/11785)과 광견병 백신(사독)은 가장 첫단계에서 준비가 되어야 하는 사항입니다.

남아공에 대한 애완동물 검역사항은 광견병 항체 검사가 아닙니다.

요구되는 검역조건은

babesia gibsoni

 leishmania infantum

 trypasonomi evansi

 brucella canis

 heart worm(microfilarial filtration test)

위의 5가지에 대한 혈청검사이며 남아공 검역을 위한 검사기관은 남아프리카공화국에만 존재합니다.

따라서 검역검사를 위해서는 남아공 lab으로 샘플을 보내야 하는데, 샘플을 보내는 기관이 남아공 정부로부터 허가받은 기관이어야 합니다.

현재 한국에서 샘플을 취급할 수 있는 기관은 서울대 동물병원이 유일한 것으로 알려져 있습니다.
Sample submission form
 Master import Permit from RSA government
 List of contents specifying volume and species
 Commercial Invoice for customs purposes.

샘플을 발송할때 허가기관에서는 위의 서류를 구비하여 남아공 검사기관에 보냅니다.
혈청검사의 진행과 함께 남아공으로부터 애완동물 입국에 대한 허가서를 취득해야 합니다.

남아공으로 애완견이 입국할 경우 요하네스버그와 케이프타운이 가능합니다.
운송의 방법은 일반 동반출국은 불가능하며 Animal Cargo만 허용이 됩니다.

최종 출국시 구비해야 하는 서류는 다음과 같습니다.

남아공 정부 입국 허가서
 남아공 정부 입국관련 Veterinary certificate
대한민국 정부발행 검역증
 광견병 백신 증명(영문)
babesia treatment
 heartworm treatment
 trypanosomi treatment 증명(영문, 각 항목에 대한 성분명과 용량 기재할것)

검역준비에 차질없으시기 바랍니다.

참고로 남아공 검역법 원문 안내합니다.
All dogs and cats imported into South Africa must be permanently identified with a microchip (tattoos will not be accepted).

 The microchip must be able to be read by an ISO 11784 or ISO 11785 scanner.
 Dogs and cats may only be imported into South Africa via Johannesburg or Cape Town International Airports. Dogs and cats will not be allowed to enter South Africa via any other airport or port of entry.

 All dogs and cats imported into South Africa must be registered as manifest cargo and can not fly as excess baggage. The Directorate Animal Health does not have veterinary officials at the passenger terminal of Johannesburg and Cape Town International Airport to check the paper work of dogs entering South Africa via the passenger terminal of the respective airports. The dogs and cats can only disembark via the cargo terminal of the respective airports.

 If the airline will allow it the dog or cat may travel in the cabin with the owner but the animal must be registered as manifest cargo and the airline staff must take the animal from the owner on landing so that the animal can be off loaded from the plane via the cargo terminal.

 On arrival at the airport the original Veterinary Import Permit issued by the Directorate Animal Health and the original Veterinary Health Certificate signed, stamped and certified by Veterinary Authorities of the exporting country must be presented to the veterinary officials at the airport before the dog or cat can be released. The documents can either travel with the animal or the person collecting the animal must present the documents to the official sat the airport. The latter is only for animals that are not going into Quarantine on arrival in South Africa. The paperwork of animals going into quarantine must travel with the animal.

 Testing of Dogs
 Before dogs can be imported the dog needs to be certified free from the following five diseases by means of blood tests. The dog’s blood can either be tested in the country of origin or it can be sent to South Africa for testing.

 Brucella canis
 Trypanosoma evansi
 Babesia gibsoni
 Dirofilaria immitis

 If the Veterinary Authorities of the exporting country can certify that the exporting country is free from one or more of the above mentioned five diseases then the dogs exported to South Africa do not need to have blood tests done for the disease that the exporting country is free from.

 We require the following test or tests to be used for the above mentioned five diseases
 Brucella canis : serum agglutination
 Trypanosoma evansi : card agglutination test giemsa blood smear
 Babesia Gibsoni : Immunoflouresence antibody test and giemsa blood smear
 Dirofilaria immitis : microfilarial filtration test
 Leishmaniosis: Indirect fluorescent antibody or ELISA or Direct agglutination test or Western blot/membrane imunoassay

 If the samples need to be sent to South Africa, these must be sent by air, accompanied by a copy of the import permit, under cover of an air waybill/courier waybill for testing to ?


 Please note that blood tests for dogs are only done on Fridays. Send the blood in early enough to give the laboratory sufficient time to do the tests. No requests will be granted for the above tests to be done on other days of the week. Contact the laboratory at the above telephone numbers to get more information on what samples have to be submitted and how the samples have to be packaged.

 Please note that any dog testing positive for any of the above mentioned five diseases will not be eligible for import into South Africa.

 Blood tests need to be done within 30 days of the date of export to South Africa.

 All dogs that have to be quarantined on arrival in South Africa will be retested for the above mentioned five diseases. This is regardless of the results of the blood tests done before the dog was exported to South Africa and is done at the owner’s expense.

 Dogs found positive for the above mentioned five diseases will not be released from Quarantine.

 If, while in quarantine, a dog is found to be positive for Brucella canis, Lieshmania or Babesia gibsoni, the dog will either be returned to the exporting country or euthanized in the quarantine station. This will be done at the owner’s expense.

 If, while in quarantine, a dog is found to be positive for Dirofilaria immitis or Trypanasoma evansi, the dog will treated in the quarantine station or sent back to the exporting country. This will be done at the owner’s expense.

 Applying for a veterinary import permit
 The required permit application form can be obtained from the Permit Office of the Directorate Animal Health.

 To obtain a Veterinary Import Permit you need to deposit the permit fee into the Department’s bank account:

 The Quarantine Officer will make the reservation for accommodation at the Quarantine Station and must complete the applicable part of the application form.

 An Indemnity Declaration (in respect of imported animals or birds undergoing quarantine) must also be completed and attached to the application form. This Indemnity Declaration form can also be obtained from the Permit Office.

 Following receipt of the completed application form, a Veterinary Import Permit will be issued and sent directly to you.

 A Veterinary Health Certificate will also be sent to you with the Veterinary Import Permit. This needs to be completed, in English, by a veterinarian authorised thereto by the Veterinary Administration of the exporting country, within 10 days of departure.

 The following must be presented to the South African Veterinary Import Control Officer at the Port of Entry:

 Original Veterinary Import Permit
 Original Veterinary Health Certificate
 Any other documentation specified, e.g.: Indemnity Declaration, Rabies Vaccination Certificate, etc.

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